“A New Assignment,” Part III: Victims of Divine Love

As I kept Jesus company at Holy Thursday adoration, I felt an expansion of the call of Part II to become Pure, Divine Love. As I meditated on this expansion, it seemed to tie together what God has been unfolding over the past four years. Almost as soon as I began my adoration on Holy … Continue reading “A New Assignment,” Part III: Victims of Divine Love

Pure Love…

A couple of years ago I learned that a composer of popular Catholic hymns, many of which are in our hymnals, a married man, was found to have used his fame to seduce women. I was shocked and so disappointed, going so far as to cross out his songs in my choir book. I did … Continue reading Pure Love…

Ezekiel 2: “11”, a Word of Hope…

A Word On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception during my Holy Hour, I felt the Lord had a message for me so I wrote in my prayer journal what I felt in my heart. I share it with the permission of my spiritual director. As I took up my pen to write, I felt … Continue reading Ezekiel 2: “11”, a Word of Hope…

General Confusion…

[Jesus tells Luisa:] “Now we are around the third two thousand years, and there will be a third renewal. This is the reason for the general confusion: it is nothing other than the preparation of the third renewal.” (L. Piccarreta, Book of Heaven, Volume 12, January 29, 1919) In case you haven't seen the official release of the … Continue reading General Confusion…

Prayer in the Divine Will (4)…

Prayer in the Divine Will is "up high"... I am reblogging below a post from 2020, as it gives us a visual of what it means to pray "up high" in the Divine Will. But I want to begin with this excerpt from the Volumes in which Jesus tells Luisa and us to keep our … Continue reading Prayer in the Divine Will (4)…

Restorer of Lost Innocence…

For years I have been praying for the protection and safety of children, of the innocent. Eventually I realized that we were all innocent once, and that at some point innocence was lost in all of us. I am not talking about original sin, but brokenness, relentless temptations, and the suffering that inevitably comes from … Continue reading Restorer of Lost Innocence…

Reparation, Voids, and Kintsugi…

Blessings in the Divine Will dear friends. Recently a reader asked a question about praying for a relative who was not Christian and had no intention of ever being one. She wondered if she should increase her prayers for this soul.  Don’t we all wonder that? The answer is, sort of. In the Divine Will, … Continue reading Reparation, Voids, and Kintsugi…

The Good Left Undone…Redone…

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) Recently in a mea culpa moment, I missed an opportunity to do an act of charity. The person ahead of me in the grocery line was unable to pay for all her groceries … Continue reading The Good Left Undone…Redone…

Seek first the kingdom…

Seek first the kingdom [of God] and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. (Matthew 6:33) In the passage below from Volume 14, Jesus highlights the contrast between our human way of thinking and praying, and that of living, acting, and praying in the Divine Will. I don’t know about you, but … Continue reading Seek first the kingdom…